
Fashion as Indiscipline Colloquium, Cerisy

From the 31st of August till the 4th of September 2021 is taking place the fist colloquium dedicated to fashion to be held in the hot spot of academic history that is Cerisy.

Co-organised by l’Ecole des Arts Décos and l’Ecole Duperré, it aims at testifying of the richness of this field of creation and research by outlining a state of the art of the thought on, by and for fashion. Led by Mathieu Buard, Céline Mallet and Aurélie Mosse – co-head of the Soft Matters research group of EnsadLab, the event is articulated around four themes: style formation, the question of the industry and the bad, the exploration of creative processes in the light of sustainable challenges and the transmission of know-on and the challenges of conservation.
Full programme and registration: https://cerisy-colloques.fr/mode2021