
Presentation by Juri-Apollo Drews at the Re-worlding Relations: Anthropology, art and design symposium

The symposium Re-worlding Relations: Anthropology, art and design took place at Newcastle University on November 10 and 11, 2023. It provided an opportunity for Juri-Apollo Drews of the Soft Matters research group at Ensadlab to present his research collaboration with anthropologist Myriem Naji (CATT, University College London) around the akhnif, a semi-circular Moroccan coat woven in one piece. Their presentation pointed out the origins of this interdisciplinary cooperation, as well as their roles and responsabilities as researchers and their attempt to define a respectful and ethical research framework for this project.


This symposium destined at creating and renegotiating interdisciplinary links between anthropology, art and design was co-organised by Francesca Cozzolino (Ensadlab Paris), Giuliana Borea (Newcastle University), Alex Ungprateeb Flynn (University of California, Los Angeles) and Kiven Strohm (National University of Singapore).